For licensees impacted by Hurricane Helene or would like to help, please view our Hurricane Helene FAQ

IMPORTANT NOTICE: In accordance with 21 NCAC 63 .0208, the North Carolina Social Work Certification and Licensure Board will no longer accept personal checks or cash for payment of any fees. Effective January 1st, 2025, payments may be made by certified check, money order, cashier’s check or via online portal (where applicable). Additionally, certified checks, money orders, cashier’s checks must be received by the Board within six months of their date of purchase/issuance. 

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Effective April 1st, 2025, the North Carolina Social Work Certification and Licensure Board will require that licensure renewals, non-practicing status requests, address and contact info changes, and license verification requests for NC social work licenses to be completed online. If you are unable to complete these actions online, you may submit an Online Processing Waiver Request Form

The North Carolina Social Work Certification and Licensure Board places high importance on serving the public in North Carolina and are dedicated to expediting the processing of temporary licenses to support individuals impacted by recent natural disasters.

NCSWCLB Mission Statement

The mission of the North Carolina Social Work Certification and Licensure Board is to protect the public by setting standards for qualification, training, and experience for those who seek to represent themselves to the public as certified social workers or licensed clinical social workers and by promoting high standards of professional performance for those engaged in the practice of social work in accordance with the Social Worker Certification and Licensure Act. If you believe a social worker certified or licensed by this Board has violated the Statute and/or Rules governing their credential or if you believe an individual is engaged in unlicensed clinical social work practice you may file a complaint with this Board. To download the complaint form click here.


Welcome to the North Carolina Social Work Certification and Licensure Board (NCSWCLB) website. Here you will find information regarding social work certification and licensure, what is needed to become a CERTIFIED SOCIAL WORKER or LICENSED CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKER, the SOCIAL WORK STATUTE and REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS if you are a social worker or member of the public, VERIFICATION OF LICENSE status, and the process to FILE A COMPLAINT against a social worker who is certified or licensed by this Board.

Licensees and certificate holders are responsible for meeting all requirements and should review the law and rules carefully and frequently to ensure compliance with the regulatory requirements for the practice of social work in North Carolina. Important changes to the North Carolina Social Worker Certification and Licensure Act were made by the North Carolina General Assembly during the 2019-2020 session, which are effective January 1, 2021.


Please utilize the Administrative Services Directory to contact the appropriate staff member regarding any inquiry. Staff will respond to inquiries as quickly as possible. It is our intent to provide the most relevant and current information. If you have questions, need additional information, or to provide comments on how we can improve the website, please email us at

Please allow the Administrative Staff up to 21 days to process applications and requests before calling or contacting the Board, so that they may process the multitude of Board actions and decisions. Thank you.

Attention Social Work Licensees from other Jurisdictions

The Governor’s Executive Order waiving licensure requirements for behavioral health licensees from out of state has concluded effective August 15, 2022. Pursuant to Statute, it is unlawful to engage in the practice of social work without first being licensed in North Carolina. This includes the provision of electronic practice and telehealth services. If you are currently licensed in good standing at the comparable level in another jurisdiction, you may apply with this Board by substantial equivalency, as there is no residency requirement for licensure in North Carolina. The application details the levels and certification/licensure offered, in addition to the requirements and information that must be submitted to the Board for consideration. The application packet can be located on the Board’s website, and requires a non-refundable fee of $145 payable by money order or certified bank check to NCSWCLB. Military-trained applicants and Military Spouse applicants shall not be charged an initial application fee. For more information about the Board’s application process, click here.

Contact Information:

Physical Address:

1207 S. Cox Street, Suite F
Asheboro, NC 27203

Phone: 336-625-1679 Fax: 336-625-4246

NCSWCLB Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 1043
Asheboro, NC 27204

Business Hours:

Monday – Friday: 9AM - 5PM

Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed