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The continuing education hours required for renewal are 40 hours of continuing education (four of which must be in Ethics) and is limited to a maximum of 20 hours of distance learning, which includes online courses (approved by ASWB or NASW-NC). The Board relies on the licensee to use their discretion in selecting courses that would meet the continuing education requirements outlined in the NC Administrative Code (section .0401). If your initial licensure cycle is for less than two-years, you will be required to document 30 hours of continuing education (pursuant to NCAC 21:63 .0401). As with all renewals at least four of the hours must be in Ethics related to social work practice.
As a LCSW Associate licensee, if you are applying for the LCSW license prior to the two year ending date of your LCSWA license, your continuing education is pro-rated (view chart available in Position Statement on Continuing Education).
If you are selected for audit or the Board requests verification of the continuing education, you must provide documentation of attendance/completion at that time. When renewing online, you may be immediately selected to provide verification of your continuing education at that time. Please ensure that you maintain accurate records when reporting your continuing education. Please review the continuing education requirements on the Board’s website.
Contact hours reflect the hours of instruction and do not include breaks. If contact hours are not reflected on the certificate of attendance, CEU (Continuing Education Units) will be recorded for contact hours.
The Board does not provide an updated certificate at the time of renewal unless specifically requested and the $25.00 fee is included with renewal. You may print the License Verification letter at any time from the License Lookup link (using the print icon displayed). The License Verification document available through the License Lookup link is available to be printed and/or saved to send electronically at any time (using the print icon). This is the same document that was formerly mailed from the Board office following renewal and is now immediately available to you online. In addition, licensees are now able to print a copy of their license from their online profile. Once you have logged in to your online profile, in the Summary section under the certificate heading, you will click print in order to print a copy of your certificate.
If you are in need of a duplicate license, you will need to submit a written request with the $25.00 duplicate license fee. Regrettably, we do not have credit card capability at this time and your request and fee will need to be submitted by mail. Checks may be made payable to NCSWCLB. The Board mailing address is PO Box 1043, Asheboro, NC 27204.
If you will not be practicing clinical social work nor providing clinical supervision, you may choose to place your license on non-practicing status by submitting a written request to the Board office. Send an email to the Board at info@ncswboard.gov and you will receive a confirmation after processing is completed. While the license is on non-practicing status, no fees or continuing education are due to the Board. Placing the license on non-practicing status would avoid the license/certification from being suspended for failure to renew or having to renew the license if it is not needed at this time. Currently, no further information would need to be submitted to the Board office once the license was placed on non-practicing status, until which time you wish to reactivate the license. Currently, there is no time limitation for the license to remain on non-practicing status.
LCSWA licensees need to be mindful of the maximum allotted time frame (6 years) for completing all requirements for the LCSW license, as non-practicing status does not stop the time clock. An Associate license that has been placed on non-practicing status may not be reactivated if they will be unable to fulfill the supervised practice requirements within the allotted six-year time frame (6 years from the original issued date or first approved practice hours, for those who received hours by substantial equivalency).
A1-If the certificate or license has not yet expired at the time of re-activation, you may submit a letter requesting re-activation. No further documentation would be needed until renewal at the expiration date.
A2-If the license has been placed on non-practicing status and the expiration date has passed, you may re-activate the license by submitting the Renewal Affidavit documenting the required continuing education during the most current two-year period and the current renewal fee at that time. The required continuing education must be submitted to the Board office for the license to be re-activated.
A certificate or license that has expired for a period of 60 days or more, and was not renewed and was not placed on non-practicing status (through written notification received by the Board), is suspended for failure to renew. This is NOT a disciplinary suspension but does require additional information to re-activate. Re-activating a certificate or license that has been suspended for failure to renew requires re-application and renewal including appropriate fees. Qualifying individuals who did not complete the required exam will be deemed exam eligible only and will not be awarded a re-activate credential until the appropriate exam is passed.
P.O. Box 1043
Asheboro, NC 27204
1207 S. Cox Street, Suite F
Asheboro, NC 27203
Office: 336-625-1679
Fax: 336-625-4246
This website is considered a primary source for North Carolina Social Work Certification and Licensure Board (NCSWCLB) data. Credentialing information is current (updated in real time) and is the same information the Board provides through other means, such as telephone, fax, mail, or email.
All information provided by the NCSWCLB on this web site is made available as a service to the public. While every attempt is made to ensure that the information contained herein is both accurate and current, the Board makes no guarantee or warranty, either expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content of this website or the content of any other website to which it may link. It is the responsibility of the user to assess the accuracy and reliability of the information obtained from this website; and the Board assumes no responsibility for, nor shall the Board be liable for errors contained herein or for any damages resulting from the use of information obtained from this website.
If you believe that information obtained from this site is inaccurate or out-of-date, or you encounter technical problems when using or accessing this site, please notify the Board’s Administrative Office
1207 S. Cox Street, Suite F
Asheboro, NC 27203
Phone: 336-625-1679 Fax: 336-625-4246
P.O. Box 1043
Asheboro, NC 27204
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed